Pact on Migration and Asylum

It builds on and amends previous reform proposals in the area of migration, offering a comprehensive approach that aims at strengthening and integrating key EU policies on migration, asylum, border management and integration. With firm but fair rules, it is designed to manage and normalise migration for the long term, providing EU countries with the flexibility to address the specific challenges they face, and necessary safeguards to protect people in need.

Four different policy areas group the main components of the rules introduced by the Pact: Secure external borders, Fast and efficient procedures, Effective system of solidarity and responsibility, Embedding migration in international partnerships.

Text version

In this visual, four boxes representing different policy areas group the main components of the Pact on Migration and Asylum.

  1. Secure external borders: Robust screening, Eurodac asylum and migration database, Border procedure and returns, Crisis protocols and action against instrumentalisation.
  2. Fast and efficient procedures: Clear asylum rules, Guaranteeing people's rights, EU standards for refugee status qualification, Preventing abuses.
  3. Effective system of solidarity and responsibility: Permanent solidarity framework, Operational and financial support, Clearer rules on responsibility for asylum applications, Preventing secondary movements.
  4. Embedding migration in international partnerships: Preventing irregular departures, Fighting migrant smuggling, Cooperation on readmission, Promoting legal pathways.

The four pillars of the new migration and asylum policy

Secure external borders

Eurodac asylum and migration database: The Eurodac Regulation turns the existing database into a fully-fledged asylum and migration database, ensuring clear identification of everyone who enters the EU as an asylum seeker or an irregular migrant.

Border procedure and returns: A mandatory border procedure will apply for asylum applicants who are unlikely to need protection, mislead the authorities or present a security risk. Efficient returns with reintegration support will apply for those not eligible for international protection.

Fast and efficient procedures

Guaranteeing people's rights: The Reception Conditions Directive establishes harmonised standards across the EU, ensuring adequate living conditions for asylum seekers, while strengthening safeguards and guarantees and improving integration processes.

EU standards for refugee status qualifications: The Qualification Regulation strengthens and harmonises criteria for international protection and clarifies the rights and obligations of beneficiaries.

Effective system of solidarity and responsibility

Operational and financial support: Relevant EU Agencies and dedicated EU funds will support EU countries every step of the way.

Clearer rules on responsibility for asylum applications: The new rules enhance the responsibility criteria determining the EU country responsible for assessing an asylum application.

Embedding migration in international partnerships

Fighting migrant smuggling: Dedicated and tailor-made Anti-Smuggling Operational Partnerships with partner countries and UN agencies, tackling smuggling in key locations.

Cooperation on readmission: The development of legal migration goes hand in hand with strengthened cooperation on return and readmission.