Thomas and friends minis checklist

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• This site is no longer receiving updates. It will remain available so you won't lose your checklist, but new engines will no longer be added.

• Numbers refer to the code on the front or back of the blind bags (e.g. H09A/12 is train #12 below) • Numbers in bold vary by region (Japan, NA (North America), or WW (Worldwide)): be sure you click on your region at the top of each wave to get the right numbers.

2015 Wave 1 (18)
Region: Japan • WW
01 Thomas
02 Spooky Percy
03 Metallic James
04 Racers Gordon
05 Edward
06 Spooky Salty
07 Neon Toby
08 Henry
09 Old School Diesel
10 Spooky Emily
11 Dash
12 Diesel 10
13 Chillin Paxton
14 Stephen
15 Heroes Victor
16 Scruff
17 Racers Bill
18 Bert
2015 Wave 2 (19)
19 Heroes Thomas
20 Percy
21 Dino James
22 Metallic Gordon
23 Metallic Edward
24 Salty
25 Old School Spencer
26 Robo Toby
27 Diesel
28 Neon Bash
29 Heroes Hiro
30 Millie
31 Robo Charlie
32 Sidney
33 Dino Ben
34 Skarloey
35 Old School Luke
36 Dino Gator
37 Samson
2015 Wave 3 (23)
38 Racers Thomas
39 Dino Percy
40 James
41 Chillin Gordon
42 Robo Edward
43 Old School Salty
44 Spencer
45 Robo Henry
46 Heroes Diesel
47 Emily
48 Racers Dash
49 Paxton
50 Dino Stephen
51 Victor
52 Old School Scruff
53 Bill
54 Neon Bert
55 Luke
56 Spooky Porter
57 Superman Thomas
58 The Joker Diesel 10
59 Harley Quinn Millie
60 Cyborg Spencer
2015 Wave 4 (23)
61 Metallic Thomas
62 Metallic Percy
63 Neon James
64 Gordon
65 Racers Spencer
66 Chillin Edward
67 Toby
68 Neon Henry
69 Bash
70 Spooky Diesel 10
71 Hiro
72 Robo Millie
73 Charlie
74 Chillin Sidney
75 Ben
76 Chillin Skarloey
77 Gator
78 Porter
79 Heroes Samson
80 The Riddler Charlie
81 Batman Thomas
82 Flash James
83 Robin Percy
2016 Wave 1 (19)
01 Thomas
02 Racers Percy
03 Paxton
04 Graffiti Gordon
05 Stephen
06 Henry
07 Bash
08 Diesel 10
09 Charlie
10 Scruff
11 Flynn
12 Spooky Edward
13 Creature Samson
14 Electrified Luke
15 Electrified Bert
16 Sweets Sidney
17 Sweets Emily
18 Sports Salty
19 Stanley
re-releases in italics
2016 Wave 2 (21)
Region: NA • WW
20 Ferdinand
21 Spooky Thomas
22 Chocolate Percy
23 James
24 Sidney
25 Electrified Spencer
26 Patchwork Hiro
27 Graffiti Luke
28 Troublesome Truck
29 Graffiti Toby
30 Diesel
31 Victor
32 Creature Gator
33 Sports Bash
34 Spooky Emily
35 Racers Flynn
36 Sports Bill
37 Ben
38 Dots Thomas
39 Junior Mints Emily
40 Sugar Daddy Toby
2016 Wave 3 (25)
Region: NA • WW
41 Breakfast Thomas
51 Creature Dash
43 Bumble Bee James
If you are not in US/Canada
be sure to click 'WW'!
44 Percy
42 Gordon
45 Racers Thomas
46 Edward
47 Electrified Hiro
48 Graffiti Victor
49 Sweets Charlie
50 Racers Spencer
52 Spooky Diesel 10
53 Sports Porter
54 Sweets Skarloey
55 Salty
56 Spencer
57 Luke
58 Sweets Ferdinand
59 Supergirl Rosie
60 Firestorm Flynn
61 Raven Belle
62 Hawkman Victor
63 Blow Pop James
64 Fruit Chews Henry
65 Tootsie Roll Percy
2016 Wave 4 (24)
21 Victor
26 Yellow Victor
27 Racers Gordon
28 Creature Troublesome Truck
30 Diesel
33 Gator
34 Graffiti Paxton
38 Electrified Henry
39 Spooky Percy
40 Hiro
45 Sports Edward
46 Black Adam Edward
47 Porter
48 Toby
49 Emily
50 Millie
51 Platinum Thomas
52 Dash
53 Bert
54 Skarloey
55 Samson
56 Beast Boy Luke
57 Aquaman Salty
58 Wonder Woman Emily
59 Creature Stanley
21 Victor
30 Diesel
2017 Wave 1 (18)
Region: NA • WW
19 James
20 Percy
21 Victor
24 Stanley
97 Aquatic Bert
105 Fruit Chews Thomas
106 Salty
107 Space Spencer
108 Monster Henry
109 Night Time Emily
110 Animal Hiro
111 Duck
112 Bertie
113 Construction Millie
114 Sugar Babies Bill
115 Tootsie Roll Pop Luke
116 Aquatic Gator
117 Monster Samson
re-releases in italics
2017 Wave 2 (18)
Region: NA • WW
40 Hiro
50 Millie
61 Construction Toby
64 Monster Troublesome Truck
68 Night Time Dash
70 Paxton
101 Animal Percy
123 Special Edition Thomas
124 Andes Gordon
125 Edward
126 Aquatic Spencer
127 Henry
128 Charleston Chew Diesel
129 Diesel 10
130 Charms Rosie
131 Belle
132 Space Scruff
133 Aquatic Ben
2017 Wave 3 (19)
29 Bash
63 Stephen
65 Space Hiro
66 Space Bert
69 Animal Millie
95 Aquatic Thomas
99 Thomas
102 Monster Paxton
103 Clarabel
104 Flynn
119 Luke
121 Animal Ben
122 Annie
141 Aquatic Percy
145 Gordon
166 Construction Victor
168 Steelworks Percy
169 Steelworks Diesel 10
170 Steelworks Samson
2017 Wave 4 (18)
30 Diesel
31 Bill
52 Dash
54 Skarloey
60 Space Gordon
62 Night Time Toby
67 Spencer
96 Night Time Victor
100 Construction Thomas
120 Monster Percy
142 Construction Diesel 10
143 Night Time Millie
164 Animal Thomas
165 Animal Henry
167 Rosie
171 Steelworks James
173 Charlie
180 Steelworks Edward
2018 Wave 1 (18)
Region: NA • WW
20 Percy
31 Bill
63 Stephen
112 Bertie
131 Belle
227 Shane
228 Back to School Toby
229 Fantasy Belle
230 Fantasy Porter
231 Back to School Salty
232 Fantasy Rosie
233 Back to School Sidney
234 Neon Stanley
235 Monkey Gator
236 Camo Belle
237 Robo Henry
238 Dots Thomas
239 Fruit Chews Henry
2018 Wave 2 (19)
Region: NA • WW
48 Toby
55 Samson
106 Salty
119 Luke
260 Flocked Thomas
261 Pop Art Duck
262 Fruit Ben
263 Pop Art Charlie
264 Fruit Bill
265 Back to School Samson
266 Fruit Stanley
267 Monkey Thomas
268 Neon Edward
269 Sidney
270 Troublesome Truck
271 Scruff
272 Junior Mints Emily
273 Tootsie Roll Percy
274 Robo Millie
2018 Wave 3 (18)
Region: NA • WW
215 Neon Thomas
216 Fantasy Spencer
217 Robo Toby
218 Pop Art Annie
219 Neon Percy
220 Fruit Charlie
221 Monkey Percy
222 Pop Art Thomas
241 Camo Stanley
242 Pop Art Diesel 10
243 Robo Charlie
286 Yong Bao
288 Sugar Daddy Toby
321 Dino Stephen
322 Dino Percy
323 Dino Ben
324 Dino Gator
325 Dino James
2018 Wave 4 (19)
Region: NA • WW
19 James
21 Victor
40 Hiro
49 Emily
54 Skarloey
145 Gordon
167 Rosie
223 Camo Bertie
224 Neon Hiro
225 Back to School James
226 Ferdinand
246 Camo Victor
247 Monkey Flynn
248 Robo Edward
255 Camo Rosie
256 Fantasy Diesel 10
257 Monkey Spencer
258 Fruit Millie
326 Globe Thomas
292 Blow Pop James
21 Victor
2019 Wave 1 (18)
20 Percy
48 Toby
49 Emily
63 Stephen
65 Space Hiro
104 Flynn
132 Space Scruff
362 Holidays Yong Bao
363 Nia
364 Holidays Victor
365 Icky Salty
366 Rainbow Shane
367 X-ray Emily
368 Pets Thomas
369 X-ray Bertie
370 X-ray Stanley
371 Medieval Skarloey
372 Sushi Spencer
2019 Wave 2 (18)
19 James
50 Millie
53 Bert
107 Space Spencer
111 Duck
122 Annie
145 Gordon
227 Shane
374 Rainbow Rosie
383 Medieval Belle
391 Icky Scruff ↓
392 Sushi Hiro
393 X-ray Victor
396 Scented Thomas
397 Holidays Emily
399 Medieval Diesel
400 Harold
401 Holidays Edward
391 Icky Scruff
107 Space Spencer
2019 Wave 3 (17)
Region: WW • UK
21 Victor
40 Hiro
67 Spencer
99 Thomas
103 Clarabel
129 Diesel 10
167 Red Rosie
375 Sushi Diesel
376 Icky Flynn
377 Rainbow Belle
378 Pets Henry
380 Pets Rosie
381 Rainbow Thomas
382 Sushi Bertie
390 Pets Percy
398 Medieval Luke
373 Ashima
2019 Wave 4 (18)
25 Spooky Thomas
60 Space Gordon
127 Henry
131 Belle
286 Yong Bao
379 Holidays Percy
384 Kevin
385 Rainbow Emily
387 Sushi Troublesome Truck
389 Icky Ben
395 Icky Bert
402 Scented-2 Thomas
403 Pets Millie
404 X-ray Gator
405 Medieval James
406 Spooky Porter
407 Spooky Salty
408 Spooky Diesel 10
2020 Wave 1 I (24)
113 Bertie
367 Rainbow Shane
375 Rainbow Rosie
378 Rainbow Belle
382 Rainbow Thomas
386 Rainbow Emily
401 Harold
460 Cowboy Thomas
461 Hawaiian Thomas
462 Hawaiian Toby
463 Cowboy Emily
464 Cowboy Diesel
465 Galaxy Dash
466 Cowboy Bill
467 Hawaiian Bill
468 Ice Cream Gator
469 Galaxy Porter
470 Hawaiian Samson
471 Cowboy Ferdinand
472 Ice Cream Troublesome Truck
474 Hawaiian Bertie
475 Ice Cream Bertie
476 Ice Cream Rosie
477 Ice Cream Shane
2020 Wave 1 II (24)
478 Galaxy Ashima
480 Galaxy Kevin
489 75th chrome Thomas
490 75th Percy
491 75th Thomas
492 75th James
493 75th Gordon
494 75th Nia
495 75th Rebecca
496 75th Emily
497 Ice and Snow Scruff
498 Ice and Snow Luke
499 Ice and Snow Edward
500 Music Charlie
501 Music Duck
502 Farm Annie
503 Farm Toby
504 Farm Percy
505 Ice and Snow Paxton
506 Music Diesel 10
507 Music Flynn
508 Farm Diesel
509 Ice and Snow Gator
510 Farm Bill
2020 Wave 2 I (24)
511 Anniversary Thomas
515 Anniversary Gordon
516 Anniversary Rebecca
517 Animal Harold
518 Animal-2 Hiro
519 Vegetables Gator
520 Vegetables Bill
521 Vegetables Ben
522 Vegetables Spencer
523 Recycling Flynn
524 Recycling green Troublesome Truck
525 Recycling Sidney
526 Recycling blue Troublesome Truck
527 Racers-2 James
528 Racers-2 Gordon
529 Racers Rebecca
530 Racers Rosie
531 Food Diesel 10
532 Food Spencer
533 Food Rosie
534 Food Percy
535 3 Little Pigs Percy
536 3 Little Pigs James
537 3 Little Pigs Thomas
2020 Wave 2 II (24)
538 3 Little Pigs Diesel
539 New Look Emily
540 New Look Thomas
541 New Look James
542 Space Shane
543 Space Percy
544 Space Charlie
545 Anniversary Emily
546 Animal Duck
547 Aquarium Diesel
548 New Look Victor
549 Anniversary diamond Thomas
550 Animal Yong Bao
551 Aquarium Stephen
552 Aquarium Edward
553 Aquarium Gator
554 Ghost Spencer
555 Ghost Van
556 Ghost Henry
557 Ghost Shane
558 Space Sidney
565 Anniversary Percy
566 Anniversary James
567 Anniversary Nia
Unnumbered (21)
Dirty Percy
Warrior Thomas
Warrior Percy
Warrior James
Warrior Diesel
Warrior Millie
Christmas Ben
Christmas Toby
Christmas Diesel
Christmas James
Christmas Henry
Christmas Thomas
Launcher Thomas
Launcher Percy
Launcher Diesel 10
Launcher Spencer
51 Creature Dash
48 Graffiti Victor
41 Breakfast Thomas
59 Creature Stanley
58 Sweets Ferdinand
Iron 'Arry
28 Creature
Troublesome Truck
45 Sports Edward
54 Sweets Skarloey
Spooky Spencer
Pirate Porter
Fiery Thomas
Racers James
Launcher James
Unnumbered-2 (31)
Glow in the Dark Thomas
Glow in the Dark Percy
Glow in the Dark James
Glow in the Dark Charlie
Glow in the Dark Paxton
Insect Hiro
Insect Porter
Insect Troublesome Truck
Steelworks Thomas
Super Station James
Slime Victor
Slime Stanley
Slime Bertie
Dynamic Thomas
Beach Emily
Beach Scruff
Beach Duck
Birthday Thomas
Rescue Thomas
Rescue Flynn
Glow in the Dark Gordon
Glow in the Dark Salty
Glow in the Dark Spencer
Glow in the Dark Hiro
Glow in the Dark Millie
Glow in the Dark-2 Charlie
Glow in the Dark Scruff
Glow in the Dark Stanley
Glow in the Dark Rosie
Glow in the Dark Bertie
DOwT Metallic Thomas
Unnumbered-3 (31)
Christmas Rosie
Christmas-2 Thomas
Christmas Charlie
Christmas Emily
Christmas-2 James
Christmas Percy
Light-Up Thomas
Light-Up Percy
Light-Up James
Light-Up Emily
Light-Up Stephen
Light-Up Charlie
Light-Up Ben
Light-Up Flynn
Light-Up Rosie
Light-Up Belle
Target Thomas
Fizz 'N Go Thomas
Orange Car
Fizz 'N Go Percy
Yellow Car
Fizz 'N Go-2 Thomas
Fizz 'N Go James
Blue Car
Christmas-3 James
Christmas Nia
Christmas-2 Percy
Christmas-2 Emily
Christmas Rebecca
Christmas-3 Thomas
Pale Yellow Car
Unnumbered-4 (10)
Christmas-2 Nia
Christmas Samson
Christmas-2 Toby
Christmas Yong Bao
Christmas-2 Ben
Christmas Porter
Fizz 'N Go Nia
Yellow-2 Car
Fizz 'N Go-3 Thomas
Pale Blue Car
Unnumbered 2017 (5)
68 Night Time Dash
69 Animal Millie
66 Space Bert
64 Monster Troublesome Truck
60 Space Gordon
61 Construction Toby
62 Night Time Toby
65 Space Hiro
95 Aquatic Thomas
100 Construction Thomas
101 Animal Percy
102 Monster Paxton
96 Night Time Victor
103 Clarabel
Fossil Truck
Snake Van
Monster solid Percy
121 Animal Ben
122 Annie
141 Aquatic Percy
142 Construction Diesel 10
Shark Van
143 Night Time Millie
164 Animal Thomas
165 Animal Henry
166 Construction Victor
167 Rosie
180 Steelworks Edward
171 Steelworks James
Gold Truck
120 Monster Percy
Unnumbered 2018 (4)
225 Back to School James
224 Neon Hiro
215 Neon Thomas
216 Fantasy Spencer
219 Neon Percy
218 Pop Art Annie
222 Pop Art Thomas
223 Camo Bertie
221 Monkey Percy
220 Fruit Charlie
242 Pop Art Diesel 10
241 Camo Stanley
Back to School Troublesome Truck
246 Camo Victor
247 Monkey Flynn
Pop Art Van
257 Monkey Spencer
258 Fruit Millie
255 Camo Rosie
256 Fantasy Diesel 10
Neon Truck
Fruit Van
Unnumbered 2019 (10)
385 Rainbow Emily
387 Sushi Troublesome Truck
Holidays Truck
384 Kevin
390 Pets Percy
389 Icky Ben
370 X-ray Stanley
Sushi Truck
422 Ashima
379 Holidays Percy
376 Icky Flynn
383 Medieval Belle
378 Pets Henry
381 Rainbow Thomas
374 Rainbow Rosie
377 Rainbow Belle
375 Sushi Diesel
382 Sushi Bertie
Stylin-1 Nia
Stylin-2 Nia
Stylin-1 Ashima
Stylin-2 Ashima
Stylin Annie
Stylin Emily
380 Pets Rosie
167 Red Rosie
403 Pets Millie
398 Medieval Luke
Pets Van
X-ray Truck
Unnumbered 2019-2 (9)
Spring Thomas
Spring Toby
Spring Emily
Spring Scruff
Spring Harold
Holidays Charlie
Super Cruiser Percy
Super Cruiser Nia
Unnumbered DC (22)
Cyborg clear Spencer
The Dark Knight Diesel
Green Arrow Henry
58 Wonder Woman Emily
Sinestro Stephen
Catwoman Millie
The Riddler Charlie
56 Beast Boy Luke
46 Black Adam Edward
Lex Luthor Paxton
Penguin Sidney
Shazam! Iron 'Arry
60 Firestorm Flynn
Green Lantern Gator
Reverse Flash Percy
Brainiac James
Darkseid Gordon
57 Aquaman Salty
Blue Beetle Toby
Poison Ivy Emily
Bane Hiro
Starfire Rosie
61 Raven Belle
Batgirl Belle
Martian Manhunter Ferdinand
Clayface Bill
62 Hawkman Victor
The Atom Scruff
Captain Cold Porter
Black Manta Samson
Unnumbered DC-2 (29)
Superman dark blue Thomas
Clark Kent Thomas
Batman Diesel
Bruce Wayne Diesel
Bizarro Thomas
Doomsday Spencer
Two-Face Diesel
Solomon Grundy Diesel 10
Killer Croc Gator
Plastic Man Ben
Hawkgirl Rosie
Scarecrow Troublesome Truck
Batman-52 Thomas
Black Lightning Dash
Star Sapphire Rosie
Nightwing Toby
Swamp Thing Gator
Superboy Victor
Red Tornado Percy
Azrael Batman Gordon
Steel Hiro
Black Hand Stanley
Big Barda Belle
Arctic Batman Edward
Captain Boomerang Diesel
Deadshot Diesel 10
Bumblebee Millie
Mister Miracle Sidney
Batman-52 no eyeballs Thomas
Unnumbered DC-3 (9)
Clark Kent Salty
Vixen Emily
Thrasher Batman Scruff
Arsenal Skarloey
Mr. Freeze Ferdinand
Superman James
Booster Gold Dash
Batman Beyond Henry
Shazam! Bert
SpongeBob SquarePants (13)
SpongeBob Thomas
Patrick Percy
Mermaid Man Bash
Barnacle Boy Porter
Squidward Gordon
Gary Spencer
Karate SpongeBob Toby
Pearl Whale Emily
Plankton Diesel 10
The Flying Dutchman Paxton
Sandy Cheeks Millie
Mr. Krabs Skarloey
Mrs. Puff Rosie
Power Rangers (16)
Blue Ranger Thomas
Yellow Ranger Emily
Pink Ranger Rosie
Rita Repulsa Belle
Green Ranger Percy
Red Ranger James
Putty Patroller Gordon
Finster Salty
Lord Zedd Diesel 10
Alpha 5 Diesel
Black Ranger Hiro
Goldar Victor
White Ranger Stanley
Translucent Blue Ranger Thomas
Translucent Green Ranger Percy
Translucent Pink Ranger Rosie
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (9)
Leonardo Thomas
Donatello Percy
Raphael James
Michelangelo Gordon
April O'Neil Rosie
Kraang Victor
Shredder Diesel 10
Bebop Bash
Rocksteady Spencer
Figures (24)
Sir Topham Hatt
Detachable Cape
Fizz 'N Go Unicorn
Fizz 'N Go Puppy
Fizz 'N Go Kitten
Fizz 'N Go Dragon
Fizz 'N Go Monkey_
Fizz 'N Go Alien
Fizz 'N Go Sir Topham Hatt
Fizz 'N Go Dog
Fizz 'N Go Orange Alien
Fizz 'N Go UFO
Fizz 'N Go Green UFO
Fizz 'N Go Attachment
Glow in the Dark Monkey_
Glow in the Dark Dragon
Glow in the Dark Alien
Fizz 'N Go dark Kitten
Fizz 'N Go Bunny
Fizz 'N Go Elephant
Fizz 'N Go French Bulldog
Fizz 'N Go Giraffe
Fizz 'N Go Panda
Fizz 'N Go Zebra

Highlight: Blister packs that only have unchecked trains: Highlight Clear highlighting (or Ctrl-x to clear)

2015 3-packs (14)
Spooky Emily
Heroes Victor
Neon Bash
Robo Charlie
Dino James
Old School Scruff
Racers Gordon
Diesel 10
Chillin Sidney
Chillin Edward
Racers Bill
Heroes Hiro
Dino Ben
Old School Spencer
Dino Stephen
Neon Toby
Chillin Skarloey
Neon Henry
Old School Luke
Heroes Diesel
Dino Gator
Spooky Porter
Heroes Samson
Heroes Thomas
Racers Dash
Spooky Percy
Spooky Diesel 10
2015 8-packs (4)
Metallic Gordon
Dino Percy
Neon James
Robo Edward
Old School Diesel
Metallic James
Racers Thomas
Spooky Salty
Robo Henry
Neon Bert
Metallic Edward
Old School Salty
Robo Toby
Chillin Paxton
Metallic Percy
Chillin Gordon
Racers Spencer
Robo Millie
2016 3-packs (14)
Graffiti Gordon
Patchwork Hiro
Electrified Luke
Graffiti Toby
Spooky Edward
Electrified Spencer
Graffiti Luke
Chocolate Percy
Creature Samson
Sports Bash
Creature Gator
Electrified Bert
Racers Percy
Sweets Emily
Troublesome Truck
Spooky Thomas
Sports Bash
Electrified Hiro
Sweets Charlie
Racers Thomas
Spooky Emily
Electrified Henry
Sports Porter
Racers Gordon
Yellow Victor
Bumble Bee James
Graffiti Paxton
2016 multi-packs (5)
Spooky Percy
Creature Dash
Graffiti Victor
Breakfast Thomas
Sports Salty
Diesel 10
Sports Bill
Creature Stanley
Creature Troublesome Truck
Sweets Sidney
Sweets Ferdinand
Racers Flynn
Sweets Skarloey
Sports Edward
Racers Spencer
Spooky Diesel 10
Glow in the Dark Thomas
Glow in the Dark Percy
Glow in the Dark James
Glow in the Dark Charlie
Glow in the Dark Paxton
2017 3-packs (14)
Night Time Dash
Animal Millie
Space Bert
Monster Troublesome Truck
Space Gordon
Construction Toby
Night Time Toby
Space Hiro
Monster solid Percy
Animal Ben
Night Time Emily
Aquatic Gator
Animal Henry
Construction Victor
Animal Thomas
Construction Millie
Steelworks Edward
Space Spencer
Steelworks Samson
Animal Hiro
Monster Samson
Steelworks Percy
Aquatic Spencer
Diesel 10
Steelworks Diesel 10
Space Scruff
2017 multi-packs (4)
Construction Thomas
Animal Percy
Monster Paxton
Fossil Truck
Aquatic Thomas
Night Time Victor
Aquatic Bert
Snake Van
Aquatic Percy
Construction Diesel 10
Night Time Millie
Shark Van
Steelworks James
Monster Henry
Aquatic Ben
Gold Truck
Steelworks Edward
Steelworks Samson
Space Gordon
Steelworks James
Construction Victor
Construction Diesel 10
Construction Thomas
Monster Percy
Animal Millie
Animal Ben
Animal Thomas
Animal Henry
Night Time Toby
Space Bert
2018 3-packs (14)
Back to School James
Neon Hiro
Neon Thomas
Fantasy Spencer
Robo Toby
Neon Percy
Pop Art Annie
Pop Art Thomas
Camo Bertie
Monkey Percy
Fruit Charlie
Monkey Spencer
Fruit Millie
Back to School Toby
Fantasy Belle
Fantasy Diesel 10
Camo Rosie
Back to School Salty
Fantasy Porter
Back to School Sidney
Fantasy Rosie
Fruit Ben
Neon Stanley
Pop Art Charlie
Fruit Bill
Back to School Samson
Fruit Stanley
Neon Edward
Troublesome Truck
2018 multi-packs (10)
Pop Art Diesel 10
Robo Charlie
Camo Stanley
Back to School Troublesome Truck
Robo Edward
Camo Victor
Monkey Flynn
Pop Art Van
Robo Henry
Monkey Gator
Camo Belle
Pop Art Duck
Neon Truck
Monkey Thomas
Robo Millie
Fruit Van
Yong Bao
Pop Art Thomas
Monkey Thomas
Neon Percy
Back to School James
Back to School Salty
Monkey Spencer
Fantasy Spencer
Fantasy Diesel 10
Neon Hiro
Fruit Millie
Pop Art Charlie
Fruit Ben
Monkey Flynn
Neon Stanley
Back to School Troublesome Truck
Fantasy Rosie
Camo Belle
Camo Bertie
Pop Art Annie
Fruit Van
Glow in the Dark Gordon
Glow in the Dark Spencer
Glow in the Dark Hiro
Glow in the Dark Scruff
Glow in the Dark Bertie
Glow in the Dark Salty
Glow in the Dark Millie
Glow in the Dark-2 Charlie
Glow in the Dark Stanley
Glow in the Dark Rosie
Light-Up Belle
Light-Up Flynn
Light-Up Thomas
Light-Up Stephen
Light-Up Percy
Light-Up Ben
Light-Up James
Light-Up Emily
Light-Up Charlie
Light-Up Rosie
2019 3-packs (12)
Sushi Diesel
Rainbow Rosie
Icky Flynn
Rainbow Belle
Holidays Percy
Pets Henry
Rainbow Thomas
Pets Rosie
Diesel 10
Medieval Belle
Sushi Bertie
Pets Millie
Icky Scruff
Medieval Diesel
Holidays Emily
Yong Bao
X-ray Victor
Medieval Luke
Icky Salty
Holidays Yong Bao
Pets Thomas
X-ray Bertie
Sushi Spencer
Rainbow Shane
Holidays Edward
Icky Bert
2019 multi-packs (8)
Space Gordon
Rainbow Emily
Sushi Troublesome Truck
Holidays Truck
Pets Percy
Icky Ben
Space Bert
X-ray Stanley
Sushi Truck
Medieval James
Space Spencer
X-ray Gator
Pets Rosie
Pets Van
Space Hiro
Holidays Victor
Space Scruff
X-ray Truck
• Stylin' Steamies
Stylin Emily
Animal Millie
Fantasy Rosie
Fantasy Belle
Rainbow Belle
Stylin Annie
Stylin-1 Nia
Stylin-2 Nia
Stylin-1 Ashima
Stylin-2 Ashima
• Steamies Rule!
• Spring Basket
Spring Thomas
Spring Toby
Holidays Emily
Spring Emily
Holidays Charlie
Spring Scruff
Sweets Sidney
Sweets Ferdinand
Pets Rosie
Spring Harold
• Happy Halloween
Spooky Thomas
Spooky Percy
Dirty Percy
Spooky Edward
Spooky Salty
Spooky Emily
Spooky Diesel 10
Heroes Hiro
Spooky Porter
Slime Troublesome Truck
DC Super Friends (17)
• SDCC 2015
Superman Thomas
Cyborg clear Spencer
The Joker Diesel 10
Harley Quinn Millie
The Dark Knight Diesel
Batman Thomas
Green Arrow Henry
Wonder Woman Emily
Sinestro Stephen
Robin Percy
Catwoman Millie
The Riddler Charlie
Beast Boy Luke
Superman Thomas
Robin Percy
Black Adam Edward
The Joker Diesel 10
Lex Luthor Paxton
Catwoman Millie
Penguin Sidney
Shazam! Iron 'Arry
Firestorm Flynn
Flash James
Aquaman Salty
Cyborg Spencer
Firestorm Flynn
Brainiac James
Blue Beetle Toby
Green Arrow Henry
Starfire Rosie
Reverse Flash Percy
Poison Ivy Emily
Bane Hiro
Raven Belle
Darkseid Gordon
Beast Boy Luke
Batgirl Belle
Martian Manhunter Ferdinand
Batman Thomas
Poison Ivy Emily
Harley Quinn Millie
Hawkman Victor
The Riddler Charlie
The Atom Scruff
Captain Cold Porter
Black Manta Samson
Martian Manhunter Ferdinand
Bizarro Thomas
Doomsday Spencer
Two-Face Diesel
Solomon Grundy Diesel 10
Killer Croc Gator
Plastic Man Ben
Supergirl Rosie
Hawkgirl Rosie
Scarecrow Troublesome Truck
• SDCC 2016
Superman dark blue Thomas
Clark Kent Thomas
Batman Diesel
Bruce Wayne Diesel
Batman-52 Thomas
Blue Beetle Toby
Black Lightning Dash
Star Sapphire Rosie
Batman Thomas
Nightwing Toby
Swamp Thing Gator
Superboy Victor
Red Tornado Percy
Azrael Batman Gordon
Green Arrow Henry
The Joker Diesel 10
Steel Hiro
Harley Quinn Millie
Captain Cold Porter
Black Hand Stanley
Big Barda Belle
Superman Thomas
Darkseid Gordon
Arctic Batman Edward
Captain Boomerang Diesel
Deadshot Diesel 10
Lex Luthor Paxton
Bumblebee Millie
Mister Miracle Sidney
Beast Boy Luke
Flash James
Clark Kent Salty
Vixen Emily
Hawkman Victor
The Riddler Charlie
Thrasher Batman Scruff
Arsenal Skarloey
Mr. Freeze Ferdinand
Shazam! Bert
Superman James
Booster Gold Dash
Wonder Woman Emily
Batman Beyond Henry
Miscellaneous Branded (10)
• SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob Thomas
Patrick Percy
Mermaid Man Bash
Barnacle Boy Porter
Squidward Gordon
Gary Spencer
Karate SpongeBob Toby
Pearl Whale Emily
Plankton Diesel 10
The Flying Dutchman Paxton
Sandy Cheeks Millie
Mr. Krabs Skarloey
Mrs. Puff Rosie
• Power Rangers
Blue Ranger Thomas
Black Ranger Hiro
Goldar Victor
Pink Ranger Rosie
Green Ranger Percy
Red Ranger James
Putty Patroller Gordon
Finster Salty
Alpha 5 Diesel
Yellow Ranger Emily
Lord Zedd Diesel 10
White Ranger Stanley
Rita Repulsa Belle
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Leonardo Thomas
Donatello Percy
Raphael James
Michelangelo Gordon
April O'Neil Rosie
Kraang Victor
Shredder Diesel 10
Bebop Bash
Rocksteady Spencer
Leonardo Thomas
Donatello Percy
Raphael James
Michelangelo Gordon
• Keychain Tracks
• Power Rangers 25th
Translucent Blue Ranger Thomas
Translucent Green Ranger Percy
Goldar Victor
Translucent Pink Ranger Rosie
Fizz 'N Go, Slime (10)
• GBP43
Fizz 'N Go Thomas
Orange Car
Fizz 'N Go Unicorn
• GBP53
Fizz 'N Go Percy
Yellow Car
Fizz 'N Go Puppy
• GBP54
Fizz 'N Go Percy
Yellow Car
Fizz 'N Go Kitten
• GCL88
Fizz 'N Go Thomas
Orange Car
Fizz 'N Go Dragon
• GCL90
Fizz 'N Go Thomas
Orange Car
Fizz 'N Go Monkey_
• GCL92
Fizz 'N Go Percy
Yellow Car
Fizz 'N Go Alien
• Mega Pack
Fizz 'N Go-2 Thomas
Fizz 'N Go James
Pale Yellow Car
Blue Car
Fizz 'N Go Sir Topham Hatt
Fizz 'N Go Dog
Fizz 'N Go Orange Alien
Fizz 'N Go UFO
Fizz 'N Go Green UFO
Fizz 'N Go Attachment
Glow in the Dark Thomas
Blue Crate
Glow in the Dark Monkey_
Glow in the Dark Scruff
Orange Crate
Glow in the Dark Dragon
Glow in the Dark Salty
Pink Crate
Glow in the Dark Alien
• GGN40
Fizz 'N Go-3 Thomas
Pale Blue Car
Fizz 'N Go Elephant
• GGN41
Fizz 'N Go-3 Thomas
Pale Blue Car
Fizz 'N Go Panda
• GGN42
Fizz 'N Go-3 Thomas
Pale Blue Car
Fizz 'N Go French Bulldog
• GGN43
Fizz 'N Go Nia
Yellow-2 Car
Fizz 'N Go Zebra
• GGN44
Fizz 'N Go Nia
Yellow-2 Car
Fizz 'N Go Giraffe
• GGN45
Fizz 'N Go Nia
Yellow-2 Car
Fizz 'N Go Bunny
Specials (30)
Collector's Wheel Metallic Thomas
Stunt Set
Dirty Percy
+ 45 others
Warrior Thomas
Warrior Percy
Warrior James
Warrior Diesel
Warrior Millie
Diesel 10
Robo Edward
Robo Toby
Robo Henry
Robo Charlie
Dino Ben
Dino Gator
Heroes Diesel
Heroes Hiro
Heroes Victor
Racers Thomas
Racers Gordon
Racers Bill
Neon Toby
Neon Henry
Neon Bash
Neon Bert
Chillin Paxton
Old School Spencer
Old School Diesel
Old School Scruff
Old School Luke
Advent Calendar
+ 18 others
Christmas Ben
Christmas Toby
Christmas Diesel
Christmas James
Christmas Henry
Christmas Thomas
Old School Scruff
Chillin Skarloey
Diesel 10
Chillin Edward
Chillin Paxton
Chillin Sidney
Old School Spencer
Old School Diesel
Dino Stephen
Neon Toby
Robo Henry
Robo Charlie
DC Super Friends
Collector's Wheel
Sinestro Stephen
Green Lantern Gator
Thomas Launcher Launcher Thomas
Percy Launcher Launcher Percy
Diesel 10 Launcher Launcher Diesel 10
Spencer Launcher Launcher Spencer
Raceway Set
Fiery Thomas
Racers James
DC Super Friends
Batman Thomas
Clayface Bill
Pop-Up Playset
Spooky Spencer
Ahoy, Mateys!
Pop-Up Playset
Pirate Porter
Minis Storage Case
Advent Calendar
+ 18 others
Christmas Ben
Christmas Toby
Christmas Diesel
Christmas James
Christmas Henry
Christmas Thomas
Racers Spencer
Racers Thomas
Diesel 10
Sports Salty
Sweets Ferdinand
Sweets Sidney
Sweets Skarloey
Electrified Henry
Racers Flynn
Sports Edward
Sports Porter
Minis Mega Set
+ 15 others
Collector's Wheel
Metallic Thomas
Spooky Thomas
Racers Gordon
Spooky Edward
Electrified Spencer
Sweets Emily
Sports Bash
Yellow Victor
Electrified Bert
Graffiti Luke
Racers Flynn
Sweets Ferdinand
Creature Troublesome Truck
30-pack (2016)
+ 27 others
Insect Hiro
Insect Porter
Insect Troublesome Truck
Sweets Ferdinand
Sweets Skarloey
Sweets Charlie
Electrified Hiro
Electrified Spencer
Electrified Henry
Graffiti Gordon
Graffiti Victor
Graffiti Luke
Creature Samson
Creature Troublesome Truck
Creature Dash
Breakfast Thomas
Chocolate Percy
Bumble Bee James
Spooky Edward
Spooky Salty
Spooky Diesel 10
Sports Porter
Racers Thomas
Racers Spencer
James Launcher Launcher James
Stunt Set
Steelworks Thomas
Super Station
+ 3 others
Super Station James Trackmaster Thomas
Adventures Percy
Skids Harold
Advent Calendar
+ 18 others
(order unknown)
Christmas Ben
Christmas Toby
Christmas Diesel
Christmas James
Christmas Henry
Christmas Thomas
Animal Thomas
Construction Thomas
Monster Percy
Steelworks James
Space Gordon
Steelworks Edward
Night Time Toby
Animal Henry
Construction Diesel 10
Night Time Millie
Night Time Victor
30-pack (2017)
+ 27 others
Slime Stanley
Slime Victor
Slime Bertie
Diesel 10
Aquatic Ben
Aquatic Bert
Monster Troublesome Truck
Aquatic Gator
Aquatic Percy
Night Time Emily
Night Time Dash
Construction Millie
Construction Toby
Space Hiro
Space Scruff
Space Spencer
Monster Paxton
Monster Henry
Aquatic Spencer
Monster Samson
Steelworks Diesel 10
Animal Hiro
Aquatic Thomas
Animal Percy
+ 37 others
Platinum Thomas
Metallic Thomas
Special Edition Thomas
Night Time Emily
Night Time Dash
Night Time Victor
Night Time Toby
Aquatic Percy
Aquatic Bert
Aquatic Ben
Aquatic Thomas
Space Spencer
Space Scruff
Space Gordon
Space Bert
Fossil Truck
Gold Truck
Monster Paxton
Monster Samson
Monster Henry
Monster Percy
Construction Toby
Construction Millie
Construction Diesel 10
Construction Victor
Steelworks Diesel 10
Steelworks Samson
Steelworks James
Steelworks Edward
Animal Hiro
Animal Percy
Animal Millie
Animal Ben
Steelworks Launcher James Launcher
Launcher James
Steelworks Edward
Steelworks Diesel 10
Steelworks Samson
Boost 'n Blast Stunt Set Dynamic Thomas
Micro Vehicle Mega Mat Thomas
30-pack (2018)
+ 27 others
Beach Emily
Beach Scruff
Beach Duck
Animal Thomas
Animal Ben
Aquatic Thomas
Aquatic Percy
Aquatic Spencer
Night Time Dash
Night Time Millie
Snake Van
Shark Van
Back to School James
Back to School Toby
Back to School Samson
Pop Art Thomas
Pop Art Duck
Pop Art Van
Monkey Percy
Monkey Gator
Fruit Bill
Fruit Charlie
Camo Rosie
Camo Victor
Neon Thomas
Neon Percy
Neon Stanley
Neon Truck
Fantasy Belle
Fantasy Porter
Party Favor
Surprise Cargo
+ 12 others
Birthday Thomas Monkey Percy
Camo Bertie
Neon Hiro
Back to School James
Fantasy Porter
Back to School Salty
Neon Stanley
Pop Art Diesel 10
Monkey Flynn
Monkey Spencer
Pop Art Charlie
Neon Edward
Rescue Set
+ 1 other
Rescue Thomas
Rescue Flynn

Detachable Harold
Advent Calendar
+ 18 others
Christmas Rosie
Christmas-2 Thomas
Christmas Charlie
Christmas Emily
Christmas-2 James
Christmas Percy
Monkey Thomas
Back to School Sidney
Fruit Charlie
Space Bert
Steelworks James
Fantasy Rosie
Back to School Salty
Fantasy Spencer
Night Time Toby
Space Hiro
Animal Millie
Pop Art Duck
Fruit Stanley
Neon Percy
Construction Thomas
Monster Troublesome Truck
Aquatic Percy
Pop Art Annie
Known Variants (20)
* no checkbox
• Cyborg Spencer
(clear/solid smokebox)
Cyborg clear Spencer
Cyborg Spencer
• Shazam! 'Arry/Bert
(name on bottom)
Shazam! Iron 'Arry
Shazam! Bert
• Monster Percy
(solid/clear body)
Monster solid Percy
Monster Percy
• Batman-52 Thomas
(with/without eyeballs)
Batman-52 Thomas
Batman-52 no eyeballs Thomas
• Skarloey
(simple/gradated funnel)
gradated Skarloey*
Chillin Skarloey
Chillin gradated Skarloey*
Mr. Krabs Skarloey
Mr. Krabs gradated Skarloey*
• Flash James
(with/without earpiece)
Flash James
Flash no earpiece James*
• Hawkman Victor
(with/without earpiece)
Hawkman Victor
Hawkman no earpiece Victor*
• SpongeBob 9-pack
(paint differences)
Made in Thailand
Made in China*
• Dynamic Thomas
(yellow/orange buffers)
Dynamic Thomas (orange buffers)
Dynamic Thomas (yellow buffers)*
• Chassis Change
2018 engines (classic)
2018 engines (lowered chassis)*
• Glow in the Dark Gordon
Glow in the Dark Gordon (orange wheels)
Glow in the Dark Gordon (orange and grey wheels)*
• Glow in the Dark Scruff
Glow in the Dark Scruff (green)
Glow in the Dark Scruff (yellow)*
• Rosie
Red Rosie
• Kitten breed
Fizz 'N Go Kitten
Fizz 'N Go dark Kitten
• Sir Topham Hatt
(without/with Saturn logo)
Sir Topham Hatt
Fizz 'N Go Sir Topham Hatt
• Invisible Man
Monster Henry
Monster Henry (one square frame)*

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• The checklist values are stored on your local computer using Local Storage. You must have javascript enabled to save your checklist. If you use a shared computer (library, computer lab, etc.) or are in incognito mode, you can use the "Make a shareable link" button at the top of this page and email the link to yourself.
• The "Unnumbered" columns are for engines that are only available in blister packs, not blind bags (yet). As they become available they will be crossed out with their NA blind bag numbers listed, then removed after about a month.
• Clicking on names in the multi-packs will highlight that pack's trains in the blind bag list; clicking on "+ N others" will show the detailed list of non-unique trains in those packs. Or you can use the dropdown menus between the blind bag and blister pack tables to highlight trains by engine name or by theme (selecting "Classic" won't highlight any blister packs). Engines will stay highlighted until you use the "Clear highlighting" button. Use the "Select" button in Settings to put checkmarks by all the highlighted engines.
• Click on the bold wave titles to collapse or re-expand their contents.
• Click on any blind bag train name to show or hide its picture.

Thanks to all the contributors at Blue Plastic Tracks and the Thomas Minis Wikia (where most of the pictures came from) for sharing the data used to create this page!

Updated 2020-12-22 (Fizz 'N Go Thomas-3 and Nia multi-packs; previously:: Nia, dark (variant) kitten, Yellow-2 Car and 6 new pets; 2020/1 and 2020 Advent pictures).

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