Virginia Law

Table of Contents » Title 2. Agriculture » Agency 5. Department of Agriculture And Consumer Services » Chapter 685. Regulations Governing Pesticide Applicator Certification under Authority of Virginia Pesticide Control Act

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Virginia Administrative Code
Title 2. Agriculture
Title 2. Agriculture
Agency 5. Department of Agriculture And Consumer Services

Chapter 685.

Regulations Governing Pesticide Applicator Certification under Authority of Virginia Pesticide Control Act

Part I. Definitions Definitions Part II. Certification of Pesticide Applicators General requirements for certification Specific certification requirements for commercial applicators Specific certification requirements for private applicators Certification procedures for registered technicians Persons exempt from certification Part III. Categories of Pesticide Applicator Certification Category for registered technician certification Categories for commercial applicator certification Categories for private applicator certification Part IV. Knowledge Required for Certification of Pesticide Applicators

Determination of general knowledge and qualifications for private and commercial applicators and registered technicians

Specific knowledge required for the categories of commercial applicators Specific knowledge required for the categories of private applicators Specific knowledge required for registered technicians Part V. Renewal of Certification and Certificates Renewal of certification Reexamination Part VI. Suspension and Revocation of Certificates Summary suspension by commissioner Revocation of certificate by the board Part VII. Reporting of Pesticide Accidents, Incidents, or Loss Reporting of pesticide accidents and incidents Part VIII. Reciprocal Agreement Issuance of a certificate on a reciprocal basis Reciprocal recertification Part IX. Recordkeeping

General recordkeeping requirements for commercial applicators not for hire and registered technicians not for hire

Specific recordkeeping requirements for commercial applicators not for hire and registered technicians not for hire

FORMS (2VAC5-685)

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