CFI Notebook / CFI Binder
This is a collection of lesson plans that I created in the persuit of my Certified Flight Instruction certificate. These are work in progress and will be under steady update and review while continuing to refine the lessons.
If mistakes are noted, please email me and let me know.
Areas of Operation
1 - Fundamentals of Instruction
- The examiner shall select Task E and one other task.
- Task A - Human Behavior and Effective Communication - 💻 Slidespdf
- Task B - The Learning Process - 💻 Slidespdf
- Task C - 🧑🏫 The Teaching Process - 💻 Slidespdf
- Task D - Assessment and Critiquepdf
- Task E - Instructor Responsibilities and Professionalism - 💻 Slidespdf
- Task F - 👩🏫 Techniques of Flight Instructionpdf
- Task G - 😬 Risk Managementpdf
2 - Technical Subject Areas
- The examiner must select Task B, M, and one other task.
- Task A - 👨⚕️ Aeromedical- pdf
- Task B - 😲😲Runway Incursion Avoidance - 💻 Slides- pdf
- Task C - 👀 Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance- pdf
- Task D - ✈️ Principals of Flight- pdf
- Task E - ✈️ Airplane Flight Controls- pdf
- Task F - ⚖️ Airplane Weight and Balance- pdf
- Task G - 🧭 Navigation and Flight Planning- pdf
- Task H - 🌙 Night Operations- pdf
- Task I - 🗻 High Altitude Operations- pdf
- Task J - 14 CFR and Publications- pdf
- Task K - National, Airspace System- pdf
- Task L - 📡🗺️ Navigation Systems and Radar Services- pdf
- Task M - 🖊️📘 Logbook Entries and Endorsements💻 Slides- pdf
3 - Preflight Preperation
- The examiner must select at least one task.
- Task A - 📃Certificates and Documents - pdf
- Task B - 🌤️🌩️🌦️ Weather Information - pdf
Operation of Systems - Broken into Subtasks
- Task C.1 - Operation of Systems - 🛩️Primary Flight Controls and Trim - pdf
- Task C.2 - Operation of Systems - Trim - pdf
- Task C.4 - Operation of Systems - Powerplant and Propellor - pdf
- Task C.5 - Operation of Systems - Landing Gear - pdf
- Task C.6 - Operation of Systems - 🛢️⛽ Fuel and Oil - pdf
- Task C.7 - Operation of Systems - ⚡⚡ Electrical - pdf
- Task C.8 - Operation of Systems - Avionics - pdf
- Task C.9 - Operation of Systems - Pitot Static - pdf
- Task C.10 - Operation of Systems - Environmental - pdf
- Task C.11 - Operation of Systems - 🌨️❄️ Deicing and Anti Ice - pdf
4 - Preflight Lesson on a Maneuver to be performed in Flight
- The examiner must select at least one maneuver task from areas of operation VII through XIII and ask the applicant to present a preflight lesson on the selected maneuver as the lesson would be taught to a student.
5 - Preflight Procedure
- The examiner must select at least one task.
- Task A - Preflight Inspection - pdf
- Task B - Cockpit Management - pdf
- Task C - Engine Starting - pdf
- Task D - Taxiing - pdf
- Task G - Before Takeoff Checklist - pdf
6 - Airport Operations
- The examiner must select at least one task.
- Task A - 🎙️📻 Radio Communications - pdf
- Task B - 🛬 Traffic Patterns - pdf
- Task C - Airport Runway and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting - pdf
7 - Takeoffs, Landings and Go-Arounds
- The examiner must select at least two takeoff and two landing tasks.
- Task A - Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Climb - pdf
- Task B - Shortfield Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb - pdf
- Task C - Soft Field Takeoff and Climb - pdf
- Task F - Normal and Crosswind Approach and Landing - pdf
- Task G - Slip to a Landing - pdf
- Task H - Go Around Rejected Landing - pdf
- Task I - Short Field Approach and Landing - pdf
- Task J - Soft Field Approach and Landing - pdf
- Task K - Power Off 180 Accuracy Approach and Landing - pdf
8 - Fundamentals of Flight
- The examiner must select at least one task.
- Task A - Straight and Level Flight - pdf
- Task B - Level Turns - pdf
- Task C - Straight Climbs and Climbing Turns - pdf
- Task D - Straight Descents and Descending Turns - pdf
9 - Performance Maneuvers
- The examiner must select Task A or B, and Task C or D.
- Task A - Steep Turns - pdf
- Task B - Steep Spirals - pdf
- Task C - Chandelles - pdf
- Task D - Lazy Eights - pdf
10 - Ground Reference Maneuvers
- The examiner must select Task D and one other task.
- Task A - Rectangular Course - pdf
- Task B - S-Turns Across a Road - pdf
- Task C - Turns Arond a Point - pdf
- Task D - Eights on Pylon - pdf
11 - Slow Flight, Stalls, and Spins
- The examiner must select at least one proficiency stall (Task B or C), at least one demonstration stall (Task D, E, F, or H), and Task G.
- Task A - Maneuvering_During_Slow flight - pdf
- Task B - Power on Stalls - pdf
- Task C - Power off Stalls - pdf
- Task D - Cross Controlled Stalls - pdf
- Task E - Elevator Trim Stalls - pdf
- Task F - Secondary Stalls - pdf
- Task G - Spins - pdf
- Task H - Accelerated Maneuver Stalls - pdf
12 - Basic Instrument Maneuvers
- The examiner must select at least one task.
- Task A-D (Combined) - Basic Attitude Instrument Flight - pdf
- Task E - Recovery from Unusual Flight Attitudes - pdf
13 - Emergency Operations
- The examiner must select at least Task A and B.
- Task A - Emergency Approach and Landing - pdf
- Task B - Systems and Equipment Malfunctions - pdf
- Task C - Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear - pdf
- Task D - Emergency Descent - pdf
14 - Postflight Procedures
- The examiner must select at least Task A.
- Task A - Post-flight Procedures - pdf