Me N Mine Social Science For Class-VII CBSE (Pullout Worksheets) - Page 1" width="900" height="1100" />
Me N Mine Social Science For Class-VII CBSE (Pullout Worksheets) - Page 2" width="900" height="1100" />
Me N Mine Social Science For Class-VII CBSE (Pullout Worksheets) - Page 3" width="900" height="1100" />
Me N Mine Social Science For Class-VII CBSE (Pullout Worksheets) - Page 4" width="900" height="1100" />
Me N Mine Social Science For Class-VII CBSE (Pullout Worksheets) - Page 5" width="900" height="1100" />
‘Know as you grow’ is the new mantra of CBSE subsequent to the induction of CCE as a new form of assessment and evolution. The tools and techniques for assessment as suggested under CCE are interesting, relevant, meaningful and involves learners for greater participation in learning.
This book Me ‘n’ Mine Social Science VII provides everything for students/learners like chapterwise study material, chapterwise pullout worksheets, topicwise activities/project work and five practice papers based on CCE scheme.
Audience of the Book : This book Useful for Class VII students. Salient Feature:1. ‘Points to Remember’ at the start of the each chapter.
2. Lots of chapterwise and topicwise pullout worksheets for Summative and Formative Assessments. These worksheets have variety of questions.
3. Five Practice Papers with ample space for writing answers. These
Practice Papers contain examination oriented questions.
1. Unit I History : Our Past-II
2. Unit II Geography : Our Envirnoment
3. Unit III Civics : Social And Political Life-II